August 21, 2007

In contempt of Congress
No, me. That's how I feel about everyone in DC right now, fucking chickenshit pricks.

When the White House missed another deadline to turn over documents regarding the legality of the illegal eavesdropping program, Senator Leahy was about to make yet another futile gesture -- when one of the senators came up to him and said don't bother: the vice president had met with the Republican senators and told them they were not allowed to issue subpoenas.

Jebus, dude, either hold them accountable or fucking retire already. Quit your damn whining and do something. ALL of you. I'm not alone in this, you know.


Anonymous said...

I lost my earlier comment.

Not quibbling with your contempt for Congress, which I fully share, but I believe the "Cheney won't let us issue subpoenas" situation occurred during the late, unlamented 109th Congress, when that unswerving rock Arlen Specter was chairman.


Anonymous said...

I'll echo Maru's analysis: "fucking chickenshit pricks"

I think I feel more contempt for the Democraps than the other stiffs. They are supposed to know and do better.