August 2, 2007

Lawbreaking harpy skank news
Syphilitic c*unt's vote fraud case, like her herpes, still alive

[Oozing suckhole mAnn] Coulter is still under investigation. WPB campaign consultant Richard Giorgio has filed a complaint accusing her of false swearing and fraud to which Giorgio claims to have been an eye witness.

“This was willful. Anyone else would have been prosecuted.”

Undoubtedly so and I have to remember how tens of thousands of people were turned away at the polls because they had been falsely added to the Felons list by the Florida Republican Machine. But this is a Red State and the law only applies to little people.

Coulter [-- for once --] is refusing to talk. Her lawyer is refusing to talk and according to the Post the FEC could impose $2,000 in fines and refer the case to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement or the state attorney's office for criminal prosecution.

1 comment:

Undeniable Liberal said...

Yes yes yes!!! Sleeping with mAnn Coulter:
Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway that smells like the dumpster behind Red Lobster on a hot August afternoon....on garbage pick-up day.