August 27, 2007

Monday Quick Links.

Hey, if you get a chance, please wish my wonderful WeLAMTA contributors, Tex and Kate, congratulations on their engagement! Looks like I'm going to be the 3rd wheel over at my pad.

Poor Owen Wilson. I'm sure the parazzi, et al, will give him the proper space and support he needs to get himself better. *clears throat*

Michael Vick is in trouble. Just tell them you love Jesus, Michael, and all will soon be forgotten.

Teh stupidz.

I hope they greet you with a giant middle fucking finger, Mr. Prezdint.

Another republican hypocrite contracts teh ghey.

Ted Nugent needs some comeuppance.

The Preznit is a good leader. Fuck, I need a drink.



Anonymous said...

Jason C: Do not EVER give ANY P.R. to Ted. Positive, negative, none.

Never. Don't. Do. It. He's longing for attention, do not comply.

Ignore his silly ass, he will fade into well deserved obscurity.

I should say, even farther into obscurity.

Anonymous said...

He still needs some damn commuppance, I say!