Multiple-Choice Mitt waffles on statement
No, the other one. Mormon says he 'misspoke' about his sons and military service
Mitt Romney was raked over the coals for saying this in Iowa last week when he was asked why his sons did not sign up to serve their country:
"It's remarkable how we can show our support for our nation, and one of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping to get me elected, because they think I'd be a great president. My son, Josh, bought the family Winnebago and has visited 99 counties, most of them with his three kids and his wife. And I respect that and respect all of those in the way they serve this great country"
Great. The family Winnebago. Ranks right up there with being in an Indiana-like market in Baghdad trying not to get your balls or your head shot off.
Anyhoo, when that didn't go over very well Mitt said he was "taken out of context." When the videos proved that not to be the case, he quickly flipflopped, saying he had "misspoken." Next: it's the liberal media's fault. That he's such a fucking dumbass.
Yeah. In keeping with the fucking Christ are you stupid theme, the preznental wanna-be, castigated on Fox News of all places for driving with the family dog on the roof of his car, just laughed off and blamed the dog.
Oh, and his campaign fundraiser has been indicted on 23 counts of "mail fraud, money laundering, bankruptcy fraud, perjury, and obstruction of justice," for allegedly defrauding companies of $32 million. Praise Jeebus.

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