August 16, 2007

Obama says Bush not solely to blame
Boy King not alone in being a detestable do-nothing jerk, says candidate.

Not all the nation's ills can be blamed on the Dictator-tot, Democratic candidate Barack HUSSEIN OJ HITLER Obama said Wednesday as he called on Americans to change the nature of politics and institute more openness in government.
No, you spineless Dems and your rubberstamping counterparts in Congress get some of the credit too. Congratulations. You all suck.


BLOGBANK said...

If the day ever comes when radical Islam hears, "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States," they will feel victorious. In their mind, no matter the facts, they will believe that God has delivered the U.S. to them and that would be a poignant tragedy.

shartheheretic said...

Whatever. Quit smoking crack.

Anonymous said...

Why are the wingnuts always focused on O'Bama's middle name? My middle name's Elizabeth, but that doesn't make me Queen of Britain.