August 31, 2007

Small, slimy shoes to fill at Justice

Incontinent crank Bob Novak, the Douchebag of Liberty, slams Bush and his weaselly pathetic fucktoy Alberto Gonzales:

[Stupie McMoron] just went too far in picking a friend who was loyal but also incompetent (a complaint never lodged against Bobby Kennedy). All of Gonzales's senior political positions in Texas -- secretary of state, governor's counsel and Supreme Court justice -- came thanks to Bush's patronage. When he became president, Bush was less interested in quality than loyalty as he brought Texas aides to Washington.

I first met Gonzales in 2001 when, along with other conservative journalists, I went to the White House for a background briefing by presidential counsel Gonzales on the new president's judicial nominations. I was stunned by the incoherence of the briefer. When I checked with several Republican senators, I received the same verdict. The guy was a total jackass. Their judgment was that Gonzales was not qualified to hold a senior governmental position.

Gonzales's handling of the crisis over the firing of U.S. attorneys set new standards for incompetence. Now get off my lawn, you snotnosed punks.

The incompetent asskissing liar is also in trouble with his own former department:

Justice's inspector general said yesterday that he's investigating whether Gonzales gave false or misleading testimony to Congress, including whether he lied under oath about warrantless surveillance, the firings of nine U.S. attorneys, and not recalling anything. He has also expanded a probe into whether Gonzales' aides improperly used party affiliation when reviewing applicants.

Uh-huh. So, does he try to the restore the integrity of the DOJ and change the worldwide-held opinion it's a just a partisan wankhole for the Bush WH, or does he continue the cover-up for the Shit-head-in-Chief? I'll be very surprised if he says anything other than Gonzales gave 'misleading testimony' but that it wasn't intentional.

"Bye, li'l Gonzo. Adios, li'l Chili-Bean."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest. Would you really be pissed at anyone who would shoot a missle over here tryin' to take out that stupid fucker? Hell, I'd LOLcats in my pantz. Twice!!