August 2, 2007

Tony Snow uses the Giuliani gambit in press con
It changed everything, you know, America-hater.

Q: Tony, you just said a moment ago that $22 billion is a significant chunk of change for the American people.

SNOW: Right.

Q: What then do you make of the Congressional Budget Office report yesterday saying that the war in Iraq is likely to cost
over $1 trillion?

SNOWJOB: Well, if you take a look at what happened on September 11th...


... 2001, it's estimated that the aftershocks of that could have cost up to $1 trillion. We understand that there's a real commitment in the war on terror, but also you have to think of what the countervailing costs are, Ed. And if you look at what al Qaeda has been trying to do not only in the United States, blah 9/11 terrr 9/11 th' enemy September 11th terrists. So the real question is, 9/11, do you make an investment in trying to secure your nation's future safety --

Q: But how can you claim the President is drawing a line in the sand and is a fiscal conservative by saying he doesn't want to spend another $22 billion, but the report is saying that the war in Iraq could cost over $1 trillion? And that's the lower figure --

SNOW: No, I'll tell you why, because --

Q: -- and if it takes longer, it could be $1.5 trillion.

SNOW: Perhaps you recall that the President's first obligation is the safety and security of the American people. 9/11. National security is always the first and indivisible responsibility of a President. If it is expensive, then we will bear the price. September 11th, terrist-lover.

Q: But doesn't he owe the American people some sort of a reasonable estimate about how much the war is going to cost? You remember Larry Lindsey, early in the war, predicted it would cost up to $200 billion -- he got fired.

SNOW: I don't know how you come up with -- number one, I would not try to draw such a causal link. Like the way we do with Iraq and September 11th. I know that some people have tried to do so. Number two --

Q: Number two is right. He is no longer in the administration.

SNOW: Right. Well, there are a lot of people that are no longer in the administration.

Q: But rather quickly after that statement he got shitcanned. I mean, come on --

SNOW: Blah de bloo de blah... I don't think I'll belabor the point now.

Gah!! Later:

Q: The National Intelligence Estimate has suggested that the war in Iraq could actually be helping al Qaeda in terms of recruiting --

MR. SNOW: No, it didn't say that.

Yes it did.

Q: -- in terms of in recruiting?

SNOW: No, it said -- no, what it said is that al Qaeda tries to use the war as a recruiting tool.


:: thud ::


Anonymous said...

Yes, the estimates were that the ramifications of 9/11 could cost up to one trillion dollars....but to SECURE THE UNITED STATES FROM FURTHER ATTACK! Things like border patrol, making sure our ports are safe, making sure that a system is in place in case of another attack, NOT to start some misguided, unnessessary war in IRAQ. dumasses, geez!

(whew) Thanks, I feel better now.
asshat tools!

Anonymous said...

Hey Maru, for your own sanity you gotta control your exposure to these assholes! Shit, listening/reading Tony Snow is like spending 4 hrs with a fucking time-share salesman or high-pressure car dealer -- they'll NEVER, NEVER admit they're wrong or that they're doing something illegal! These people are SELECTED because they have unmitigated tenacity and NO conscience. If you're looking for even a glimmer of truth, regret, compassion, or insight from these shitheads you'll just continually frustrate yourself. Save yourself!