War Party Hard Ensemble
It's no secret that Dark Lord Dick Cheney has a permanent cyborg-like hard-on and impending wargasm over the thought of bombing the living fuck out of Iran. McClatchy reports that Cheney has been pushing for strikes against Iranian forces in Iraq. But Cheney says that the administration ought to wait for "hard new evidence":
It's no secret that Dark Lord Dick Cheney has a permanent cyborg-like hard-on and impending wargasm over the thought of bombing the living fuck out of Iran. McClatchy reports that Cheney has been pushing for strikes against Iranian forces in Iraq. But Cheney says that the administration ought to wait for "hard new evidence":
Behind the scenes, however, the president's top aides have been engaged in an intensive internal debate over how to respond to Iran's support for Shiite Muslim groups in Iraq and its nuclear program. Vice President Dick Cheney several weeks ago proposed launching airstrikes at suspected training camps in Iraq run by the Quds force, a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to two U.S. officials who are involved in Iran policy....
Cheney, who's long been skeptical of diplomacy with Iran, argued for military action if hard new evidence emerges of Iran's complicity in supporting anti-American forces in Iraq; for example, catching a truckload of fighters or weapons crossing into Iraq from Iran, one official said.
If he's hinging this unhinged policy on "hard evidence" you can be sure he's already manufactured it. Any second now...... they will find some "good hard" evidence... which will be found to be flawed later on. If there's one thing the Dark Lord does effectively, it's producing "hard evidence" for anything he wants.
Calling Colin Powell......

I find your lack of faith disturbing....
Calling Colin Powell......

I find your lack of faith disturbing....
Right on Maru. When the hell are the people in the press going to start being realistically skeptical of this asshole Cheney & the Neo-Cons in general? How many times do they/we have to be fucked over before they start disbelieving virtually everything he says? I could barely read the link when it started giving unqualified space to such assertions as '...we're expending US lives and treasure to secure the Iraqi government...' - - fuck that noise, we're there to control the oil and we ain't leaving till the oil is gone. Once that happens, we'll care about the government in Iraq about as much as we presently care about the government in Sri Lanka.
Resistance is so fucking useless, besides I may not get invited to any more DC cocksuc.., I mean cocktail parties.
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