August 18, 2007

Well now...
Ashcroft ordered his security detail not to let Gonzales or Card in his hospital room again

Blue State reports --

Evidence right here (the notes written by FBI Director Robert Mueller, recently turned over to Congressional investigators) proves that Alberto Gonzales not only lied to Congress about the Ashcroft hospital visit, but that Gonzales and Andrew Card harassed Ashcroft to the point that he felt threatened and told his security detail to intervene.

Alberto Gonzales, seen here leaving church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's facts like THOSE that "W" and staff (at least some of the staff!) want to keep classified as 'top secret' due to 'national security' reasons - - namely the security of THEIR own jobs if too many of the American politicians, press & public found out about their venial doings.

Let's hope that most of the American sheeple have learned their lesson and won't fall for that 'compassionate conservativism', 'adults in charge', etc type of crapola again, though as the old adage says, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"..