September 13, 2007

Boehner: dead US soldiers are ‘a small price to pay’

On CNN Wednesday, Wolf Blitzer asked repug prat John Boehner (Ruh-rOH) about “the Americans who are killed every month” in Iraq and how much longer the misadministration would continue to bleed US taxpayers as well as our troops in this ongoing fiasco --

BLITZER: Mr. Leader, here's the question. How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2 billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment, this military commitment is going to require?

BOEHNER: I think General Petraeus outlined it pretty clearly. We're making success. We need to firm up those successes. We need to continue our effort here because, Wolf, long term, the investment that we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop al Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not only going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids.
The “small price” Boehner refers to? The “3774 dead US troops and counting” and "thousands of maimed, blinded, and mentally crippled veterans lying in hospitals." But hey, supporting that smirking, fart-lighting cretin is so much more important than our troops.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Maru - - it's pathetic how the Reboobs like to shift gears. Notice how Boehner is supposedly worried about "... about the future for our kids and their kids." - - except when it comes to things like global warming, health care, economic security, and a $9 TRILLION national debt which has gone up something like $2 trillion during W's reign. 'Our kids and their kids' are going to have to pay these debts that Boehner conveniently forgets about.. tge asshole.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Big Em, and by "our kids," he means American kids, blithely ignoring the genocide being conducted against "those kids", meaning them what ain't the right nationality, color or religion.

Thus, "Kill 'em All and Let God Sort 'em Out" is now official US foreign policy, to the horror and disgust of the entire planet.

Which is of course another legacy for "our kids and their kids"-- the privilege of being born into the United States of America, the most hated and feared nation on the planet.

I could not be more ashamed that John Boehner exists.