September 14, 2007

Friday morning rant

If one more Kool-Aid swilling Republican idiot tells me I should respect George W. Bush just because he is the President of the United States, a can of Whoop Ass WILL BE OPENED. You bet I respect the office of the Presidency. I respect it enough that I am still sick at the thought of its being stolen once, and perhaps even twice. And anyhow, I'm the wrong person to be admonishing. It's Bush himself who doesn't respect his office enough not to defile it with war crimes, corruption, and continual lying to the people whom he's supposed to be serving. You tell him to respect his office, and the best way to do that right now would be for him to resign.



Anonymous said...

Well put! Unfortunately, too many U.S. citizens are undeserving of living in a quasi democracy and would be fully content to have their lives controlled by a dictator who mouthed social conservative platitudes and saw to it that the rich got richer and everyone else didn't get uppity.

Anonymous said...

Tell 'em!

Remind them Clinton was President too.

Skip said...

There's hope for the United States while free speech survives.

Anonymous said...

That "respect the President" or similar commandments/suggestions are at heart fallacious arguments based on appeal to authority. Kind of the same thing as the parent who says "don't question your father/mother" or even the religious leader who says "because God/Buddha/Confucious/etc says so" (the more subtler intellectual version is quoting a noted historical figure -- extra points for obscurity such as Proust or Nietzche instead of simple Shakespeare) -- it's a way of cutting off argument WITHOUT using reason, logical evidence, or facts.

And questioning US presidents is FAR from unusual in our US history. We've had armed insurrections/rebellions and a civil war, so merely disagreeing vehemently with a shithead like W is mild by comparison.. more people should try it!