September 22, 2007

Fucking Dems

God, I've had it up to here with them. Hey, assholes, here's a clue:

Got it?? Fucking pathetic.

As always, Avedon Carol hits it right on the head:

How dare you?

Have you ever seen the Senate condemn Saxby Chambless for morphing his Democratic opponent with Osama bin Laden?

Have you ever seen the Senate condemn Ann Coulter for calling for the assassination of a Supreme Court justice?

Have you ever seen the Senate condemn Fred Phelps?

And what about the attacks on General Wesley Clark, or the treatment of General Shinseki? Did they condemn that? Did they even manage to muster up a little outrage over the full-scale attack on anyone who'd ever been awarded a Purple Heart during the 2004 campaign?


But the Republicans call on you to condemn a mainstream organization that tells the truth about Petreaus disgracing the uniform to act as Bush's personal political shill and you fall right in line. How dare you?
Fucking Dems.


Anonymous said...

And there is only one candidate that has ALWAYS voted the way we ask him to. And he is, of course, the one with the lowest poll numbers. Where did we go wrong? Dennis, we owe you everything and yet, we give you nothing. I'm soooo embarrassed to be a Dem.
Pablo's old dog

ThisGruntledEmployee said...

Found the following pic via Digg and thought you might be able to use it for this sort of thing.

Love your work.