Congressional republicans blast Dems for "partisan witch-hunts" and political grandstanding... what?? Huh. Looky here...
This morning the Senate is expected to vote on a resolution condemning at fdl:
This is the same Senate that has done nothing to change President Bush’s policy on Iraq. Yesterday, they couldn’t even pass a bill to give soldiers enough leave with their families before redeploying. But they have plenty of time to crack down on folks who criticize the war. It’s ridiculous, it’s un-American, and it’s wrong….
Why? They’re flailing. Last week’s Bush Administration PR blitz completely failed — the percentage of Americans favoring withdrawal from Iraq actually increased. Meanwhile, vulnerable Republicans are sinking lower and lower in the polls (or announcing their retirement). Bashing our ad is a way to distract the public—and intimidate war critics.
They’re trying to use the full force of the U.S. Senate to shut us all up. To send a message that if you speak unpleasant truths about this war, you’ll pay. This is what we expect from right-wing bullies like Fox, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity. But the Senate should know better.
What in the hell are these people doing debating a print ad in the NYTimes when our soldiers are still being gravely wounded and killed in Iraq? When they don’t have adequate defensive armor, still? When military families are dealing with a crisis of money and exhaustion? When our veterans are not getting even remotely adequate medical and mental health care?You'd think, but no.
The GOP ought to be ashamed of themselves.

1 comment:
When are the (majority) Dems gonna grow some of them cajones and put an end to this nonsense??!!! We vote for them, give them money, empower them to act in our behalf and they back down from every f*cking gop attack like a, a, a coward. Damn it, L-E-A-D. That's what you are there for. I need a serious drink...this shit makes me sooooo mad.
Pablo's old dog
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