October 26, 2007

Cuntservative harpy blows an O-ring, goats

Conservatard nutjob Sandy Vagina has a bitchfit when Pickles Stepford is caught wearing an Islamic headscarf during her visit to the Middle East.

F-retards, torn between faux-outrage at the Ist Zombie's buttkissing of Islamofascists and hypocritical Bushslurping, go with slurpitude:

They gave her the headscarf as a gift, and she put it on for them. Big deal. Would we want her to go over there and be a complete jerk?

She was being gracious

I looked at that photo zoomed to 500% - it’s very good, but it looks photo shopped

She was accepting their gift. I can’t believe anyone would spend their time whining about this.
Really. I remember how you class acts showed the same support for Nancy Pelosi when she donned a scarf on her trip in April. Fuckwits.

"F*ck! Not me!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would we want her to go over there and be a complete jerk?

[insert joke here]