October 9, 2007

GOPukes, freetards drag child through mud

Is there anything more repugnant and pathetic than a republicunt? Now they're smearing and stalking the 12-year-old kid who was featured in the Dems' defense of the SCHIP program, and denouncing him for performing as "a human shield" -- even though they themselves have had no problem parading shitloads of precious little snowflakes up to their podiums in the past. Compassionate conservatism and family values, my ass.

Here are the facts that the right-wing distorted in order to attack Graeme Frost:
1. Graeme has a scholarship to a private school. The school costs $15K a year, but the family only pays $500 a year.

2. His sister Gemma attends another private school to help her with the brain injuries that occurred due to her accident. The school costs $23,000 a year, but the state pays the entire cost.

3. They bought their "lavish house" sixteen years ago for $55,000 at a time when the neighborhood was less than safe.

4. Last year, the Frost’s made $45,000 combined. Over the past few years they have made no more than $50,000 combined.

5. The state of Maryland has found them eligible to participate in the CHIP program.
Desperate to defend Bush’s decision to cut off millions of children from health care, the right wing has stooped to launching baseless and uninformed attacks against a 12 year old child and his family.

Real classy, asswipes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's see if that baby can pee on chimpy