Mindfuckingly stupid rethug candidate Mike Huckabee: Immigrants are taking jobs away from aborted fetuses. No, really.
"Sometimes we talk about why we're importing so many people in our workforce. It might be for the last 35 years, we have aborted more than a million people who would have been in our workforce had we not had the holocaust {Yes, "holocaust" - Ed.} of liberalized {Yes, "liberalized" - Ed., sticking forks in my eyes} abortion under a flawed Supreme Court ruling in 1973."Yes, that's correct: your poor aborted zygote could have been a --- gasp!! --- Mexican.

Ah of course.... that's why republicans are so crazy about abortion. We need those babies to fill low wage jobs!!
Of course, we all know that the catholic church opposes abortion because, well, what priest wouldn't want more small children around. Keep 'em comming!
That old crap about 'we have to import labor because we're short-handed' just doesn't ring true when you've got an 'official' US unemployment rate of some 5%. It's just a transparent cover to justify hiring/importing extremely desperate people from foreign countries to work at slave wages so that some business sectors can make large profits. Also, what about all the jobs those aborted fetuses would've liked to have had in the garment industry down south, for instance? These same Republicans (and their 'coerced/tri-angulating colleague' Bill Clinton) expedited the exporting of them to China and other off-shore locations (via NAFTA), where the managers complain because their government raised the minimum wage to $.57/hr.
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