October 23, 2007

Vapidity, thy name is wHowie

Why so-called "media critic" wHoreward Kurtz continues to be one of the most pathetic knobgobbling douchenozzles on this or any other planet. Oh, and "one of the dumbest figures in print or on the airwaves."

Glenn Greenwald:

[F]ar more significant than Kurtz's willingness to invent facts is that he sees no distinction between (a) revelations that the Bush administration is torturing detainees, holding them in secret prisons, and spying on Americans in violation of the law and (b) what Digby described as "stories about Edwards and his hair and Hillary and her cold, calculating cleavage." Digby's whole point was that Republicans dominate political press coverage because they feed vapid, slothful, tiny-minded "journalists" with vapid, tiny-minded, malicious gossip that reporters eat up and spew out in lieu of reporting on actual matters of substance. To rebut Digby's claim, Kurtz argued that Democrats do it, too -- and then cited the leaks about torture, secret prisons, and warrantless surveillance as his proof. ...

Because these Beltway journalists are empty and self-absorbed and consumed with pettiness and believe in nothing, they assume that everyone else is as barren and vapid as they are -- so barren and vapid that they see no distinction between catty chatter about Edwards' haircuts and alerting Americans to how radical this government has become, except that the catty chatter is way more fun.

Concern over abuses of power by the Bush administration are so unserious and shrill. And, as Kurtz made clear, things like torture and lawbreaking and secret CIA black sites are no more significant than the endless giggly chirping about Hillary's laugh and the size of Edwards' house and his friend Michelle Malkin's inventory-taking of the Frost family's cars.

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