Hay all, sorry for disappearing the past few days. I've just been way too discouraged. Politics lately have left me disgusted and depressed. The spineless Dems that keep fucking themselves up, the worst president in history strutting around like a banty rooster and getting his way with everything, the fawning, bootlicking ignoramuses that constitute the media... peh. A sample:
Hillary's staff planting questions at campaign events: Horrible! Anti-American! Deceitful!
The preznit's staff planting leghumping, W-orshipping male prostitutes posing as reporters at Bush-friendly, handpicked, rehearsed events: La la la... squirrels...
The preznit's staff planting leghumping, W-orshipping male prostitutes posing as reporters at Bush-friendly, handpicked, rehearsed events: La la la... squirrels...
So I've been pretty pissed off and kind of drained by the whole thing. Hopefully I'm better now. Thanks for hanging in there!

It'll probably get worse before it gets better.
Hang in there - we are not alone.
I know the feeling Maru. The feelings of political futility have really hit me after the BIG presidential losses - 1972, 1980, 2000, & ESPECIALLY 2004. Yah just don't know when most people are going to get their heads out of their asses and use a little skeptical thinking...
"skeptical thinking"
I like that. It's better than critical thinking. Critical thinking is analytical and neutral, but skeptical thinking starts out implying doubt or suspicion.
Good phrase, Em.
Hang in there, Maru. We love ya, and this crap has got to be over sometime!
What they said.
There is a nation-wide depression caused by the presence of Geo. Bush in Washington, and just about anywhere else.
Counting the days.
so very tired!!
Ah, Maru, if you could just know at the marrow level of your mind/spirit what an incalculable healing gift, and profound inspiration your insight, truth-demanding integrity, and soul-stretching “snarkalicious” wit provides to all of your readers every single time we visit WTF, you would feel the Chi-manna of huge gratitude and love showering you with its refreshing smiling-soul lights, radiating from your huge audience of fans who are being healed, inspired, refreshed, refortified, smartened up, and subliminally re-upped in that struggling new cadre of paradigm shifters ever-working to create the Better Script for Humanity’s destiny.
You are a Great Political Comedienne, on a huge stage, delivering tons of light, healing, and laughs and to a massive audience that receives your wit and insight lights like a ball of radiant wit the catching of which makes us laugh our asses off, re-aligns us mentally and spiritually, and makes us all feel WAY better. And we toss that ball of sacred light you sling with brilliance at us, backatcha with our applause, laughter, screams of delight, jackknife flops out of our seats to fall on the floor fist pounding and kicking with unhinged delight, (scaring the cats until they get the joke and go “Peh,” ) and in that uproar of our total delight deLIGHT DELIGHT, you get back, receive, in the ever-cycling circle of the Tao Of Fun, in that circle that is Performer/Audience/back-to-Performer, the Unseen Zen Circle of Love to the 3rd power filled with that juice the flicks the Bics of all great concerts, the Fire that Lights the Fires that matter to and sustain the survival of the finer aspects of Human Spirit.
One might ask, “But does this buy bread?” To them I answer, “This IS the bread.” To which Egon might add, “It’s also the Fishburgrz!! I can has one now, PLZ?”
Fuckin-A, wangmo. Maru, I've said it at least a million times before - I've been reading your blog for a long time. Sometimes in the middle of reading something really infuriating, I just come here instead because I know your take on it will make me laugh instead of blowing up. I know you're tired. We're all so tired. You rest as much as you need to, just don't stop blogging if you can. It'll be a sad day when you quit the game.
I need my fucking laughs, goddammit! PS: Thanks. No one does it quite like you do.
Yeah, well Maru, all i can say is ... been there, done that. i get really badly down depressed too! I was a mess through july and into june thinking about the asshole, laughing while he spoiled the 4th for us by keeping bff scooter out the klink. and i'm sure it's a common reaction by the majority of Americans who hate the asshole, and, as annon said, just about every where else on the planet too.
it's GOING to be over. THINK about how nice that'll be. a president who's sole purpose for breathing won't be to dog on America and trash our country and our values. THINK ABOUT THAT!
WE'RE all here for you Maru. And we NEED you! you are the only bright spot for us in these dark times.
hugz, sweeeeetie.
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