November 29, 2007

B-b-b-but CLINTON!! and, ummm....9-11!

America's Mayor 9-11 and champion of Rich-Wing family values, Rudy Giuliani billed obscure agencies for trips while extramaritally banging current wife in a Southampton love shack. "Liberal Media" immediately applies Clinton Rules......or not.
24/7 Fox "News" coverage any time now...............
Clicky on the linky and go down to the comments to read a bunch of gems like this:

"I'm not certain what the point of this alleged "scandal" story is. Giuliani wasn't to take security with him when he left NYC? Giuliani should've never left NYC? Giuliani should've paid for his own security out of his own pocket? Where's the scandal? If only the same standard were held to the Clintons. Mrs. Clinton's missing Rose Law Firm billing records would've kept her out of the Senate - not to mention the Presidency.
Well of COURSE Rudy should be allowed to have a security detail accompany him while he has an affair because after all, the Clenis GOT A BLOW JOB!! And Hillary is a lesbian who killed Vince Foster. If only Sandy Berger hadn't stolen those records....wev.
Pa fucking thetic.

Still breaking: NYC taxpayers also paid for Rudy's penis enlargement (9-11") surgery and Cialis prescriptions (9-11mg). Oh, and the cost of the hotel rooms? Yup, $911 per night. You have a post 9-11 affair with the 9-11 money you have, not the 9-11 money you wish you had on 9-11. Anything else is pre 9-11 thinking.

For an uplifting view on the entire saga, read The Continuing Adventures of Rudy & Judi (Episode V) via res ipsa loquitur, teh funny!

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