Using "Dems" and "showdown" in the same sentence. Good one. Sigh.
Democrats on Tuesday warned hidden costs would catapult the price of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts to a staggering 3.5 trillion dollars, staking out a new war showdown with [Preznit Lawn Ornamnent].The hidden costs? Higher oil prices; the expense of treating wounded veterans; coffins; American flags; the feeding, clothing and housing of Iraqi refugees and the interest payments on the money borrowed to pay for both disasters.
That amount is nearly double the $804 billion the White House has spent or requested to wage these wars through 2008, according to Congress's Joint Economic Committee. Its report estimates that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have thus far cost the average U.S. family of four more than $20,000.So far.

"Nyyuuuuurmmm! Pow pow pow!"
Recently heard word from the Bush whine-vine:
"It's all those damn Iraqis fault! If they woulda just let us Amurkins take control and convert them all to bein civilized Christians like us, things wouldn't be so bad!"
Bad cops blame the victims, good cops roll over and get their bellies scratched.
Yah, those miserable piece o'shit Republicans not only won't talk about the true cost of the war, they want everyone else to shut up about it too. Kick those thugs and liars out, voters! It's your only hope.
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