As opposed to the calm, reasoned, well-ordered and logical hatred of rapists/catnappers and murderers Hitlary and Bill Xlintoon.
Our politics suffer when passions overcome reason and vitriol becomes virtue...-- by some narcolepsy-inducing troglo-berk at the Whore Street Fishwrap. Funny how it's basically only the angry, mouthbreathing crybabies on the right that constantly write crap like this.
But Bush hatred is different. It's not that this time members of the intellectual class have been swept away by passion and become votaries of anger and loathing. Alas, intellectuals have always been prone to employ their learning and fine words to whip up resentment and demonize the competition. Bush hatred, however, is distinguished by the pride intellectuals have taken in their hatred, openly endorsing it as a virtue and enthusiastically proclaiming that their hatred is not only a rational response to the president and his administration but a mark of good moral hygiene.

Yeah, we liberals should ignore ALL the REAL crimes & misdemeanors that W, Cheney & friends have committed, remain impartially neutral, (and meanwhile let them trash everything & everyone) in the name of 'decorum' (which they will regularly dispense with anyway!) The only thing to get excited about is a blowjob between consenting adults - - lets spend $50 million and nearly bring the government to a halt over something IMPORTANT like that! Assholes.
Hey as a person Bush is a petulent little dick and I proudly wear my hatred of this pathetic little loser that has done more damage to my country than a thousand Osamas ever could, thank you.
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