November 7, 2007

Jeebus wept

Conservatard Christian leader endorses lying, thrice-married gay-loving, baby-killing, cross-dressing man-whore. It really is OK if you're a republican.

Rudy-Mo! Rudementum!

Pat "gays caused 9/11, abortions caused Katrina" Robertson, one of the nation's most influential Christian leaders, plans to endorse Rudy Giuliani today. Giuliani has struggled to win support of social conservatives because of his moderate views on abortion and gay rights. But now he has one of the most resonant imprimaturs with Christian voters.
Why does Pat Robertson hate Jesus, family values?

Bonus: f-retardia outrage! Sample comment:
"It is time for Conservatives to unite behind the only true Conservative that has a realy probability of being the dems. Fred Thompson is that candidate.* Conservatives can blow this out of the water. Robertson sold his sole for what?"
Yeah, but... at least he can spell!

*Dur?? - Ed.


HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

The right is so freaked out about Hillary that they're willing overlook Rudy's inconsistent record. Wathc out, Dems.

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

The right is so freaked out about Hillary that they're willing overlook Rudy's inconsistent record. Wathc out, Dems.

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

echo echo echo....