November 5, 2007

Rethug moral values

First of all, IOKIYAR.

Secondly, who're you gonna believe, the drive-by media and the liberal Giuliani-haters, or a gay-loving, baby-killing, cross-dressing man-whore who is also a chronic liar? Wait. 9/11.

"Rudy Giuliani is simply wrong lies like the lying liar he truly is when he claims that his chances of surviving prostate cancer are almost twice as high in the United States as in England, under a "socialized" medical system.

"The mayor seems to be making a habit of making sweeping statements with little or no factual support. See our recent posts on his claims about Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of the Soviet Union, the cost of health care premiums, and his own record as mayor of New York."
Meanwhile, one of his advisers -- warmongering, always-wrong basement-dwelling neocon Norman "pud" Podhoretz -- has joined Preznit Fuckwit in comparing reasonable people to Neville Chamberlain and crying that not wanting to bomb Iran is like appeasing Hitler. Great argument. :: cough :: Stay classy, guys.

The candidate, ready for her close-up.

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