December 23, 2007

Ah, sweet schadenfreude

... the force is strong with you today.

Jon at the Pensito Review reports: Karl Rove’s book sold for half of what he expected - and the buyer was cuntservatard harpy Mary Matalan.


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to re-read Machiavelli's "The Prince", much less a publisher spend $X million for it? "Be cold, ruthless, deferential/subservient to those power, lie to the public,..." etc, etc. WHY would anyone -- conservative, moderate, or liberal -- want to espouse that?

Anonymous said...

Money, big em.

Anonymous said...

Yes Susan, 'money' is undoubtedly the #1 reason for assholes like Rove doing what he does. I suspect that 'fame' ("access", proximity to power, recognition' etc) is the other main ingredient that makes this appealing to some sickos to the pathological extent that it did with Rove. Where else would a toady like himself get people kow-towing to HIM, and the media giving HIM significant coverage?? As usual, it's as much a negative commentary on our society as it is on Rove...