December 7, 2007

Bush admin. credibility suffers after Iran NIE repor

Gee, ya think?

The new National Intelligence Estimate on Iran has drawn fire from all sides, including conservatives usually supportive of the administration, foreign leaders the administration needs to hold the line against Iran, and conservatives usually supportive of the administration.
Then there are the fawning toadies at the Whore Street Fishwrap, the usual stable of rabid neocons, and conspiracy nutjobs such as Rush Limpbag -- even erstwhile tough guy Fred Thompson, sounding loonier than ever:
"The accuracy of the latest NIE on Iran should be received with a good deal of skepticism."

Saying the report is "awfully convenient for a lot of people," Thompson continued, "the administration gets to say its policies worked; the Democrats get to claim we should have eased up on Iran a long time ago; and Russia and China can claim sanctions on Iran are not necessary. Who benefits from all this? Iran."
Boy, and I thought my tinfoil hat was on too tight.

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