December 5, 2007

Bush calls on Iran to 'come clean'

Too bad he couldn't say the same thing to the goddamned vice president of the United States.

"He's just gonna simian-sign 'Iran bad,' and toss shit at the cameras like he's President Koko." - the Rude Pundit.

A day after intelligence reports showed Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program four years ago, desperate Doofus McAsshat is still beating the drums of war, off.

Preznit Crash Test Dummy, trying to keep pressure on Iran Democrats and not able to admit he was fucking WRONG, called on Tehran Wednesday to "come clean" about the scope of its nuclear activities or else face diplomatic isolation -- even though a new U.S. intelligence review concluded that Iran stopped developing their atomic weapons program in 2003.
Because who should you believe -- some insane, warmongering dictator who'll do anything to stay in power, or the leader of Iran?

1 comment:

ThePoliticalCat said...

Well, they probly didn't know till, oh, this year, on account of they outed Valerie Plame who was working on the Iranian nuclear weapons intelligence. Fucking jerks thought they could sneak their pet WWIII project through if all the guardians were gone, din't they?