December 6, 2007

Hillary Gets Rovian

First it was b HUSSEIN Osama's kindergarten and third grade essays. Now the Clinton campaign is stooping to republicuntesque lows:

A day after the Hillary campaign hit the Obama camp for bullying voters in nasty phone calls, the Hillary crew has just acknowledged that an Iowa county chair volunteering for the campaign passed along the now-notorious email that smears Obama as a Muslim by repeating the false claim that he attended a madrassa as a child.
The Hillary campaign confirms that they are asking the county chair to step down from the campaign.
Straight from the Karl Rove playbook. Put it out, then say how upset they are someone did that.
The word gets out, and no one listens to their denial. (lie)
The seed sown, damage done, sacrificial lamb slaughtered.

And now, we return to our regularly scheduled Republicunt-bashing.


Vote For Hillary Online said...

This is probably one of the most important elections in our nation's history, and quite frankly we need to do whatever it takes to win. If that comes off as immoral to the opposition, than so be it.

Vote For Hillary Online

Undeniable Liberal said...

So....the opposition is one from the same party?
She needs to be attacking Republicunts, while showing why she is the best Democratic choice, not someone from her own party.

ThePoliticalCat said...

The only way I'd vote for that conniving bitch is if there was no other choice.

Anonymous said...

Put a wide-angle on the lens of your 3rd Eye, politicalcat, and perceive from a lofty perspective that shows the sociological forces at play since JFK's assassination, reverberating into assassinations of Bobby, MLK, Lennon, Malcolm X, and connect the dots of the ReThug agendas for dumbing-down America with PNAC's goals of obliterating Progressive politics and the Democratic party evidenced by the 100M spent to destroy the Clintons in unrelenting character-assassination campaigns since 1992, and you'll see that there really is not ANY other choice but Hillary Clinton as our next President.

Go back and check archives for photos of Bill & Hill in their Rhodes Scholar/Civil Rights-fighting days, with their gungho smiles and long hippy hair, and remember the ERA that gave birth to what is (was) loved about America and KNOW the spirit, the zeitgeist that "the MAN" has tried relentlessly to destroy, is alive and well (but hidden, FOR GOOD REASON, duh) and is presenting itself now to us as a woman candidate positioning herself as a Centrist TO GET ELECTED so she can get inside the gate to bring down the TARDS.
It’s obvious to those of us who are old enough to know what “Furthr” means. And we want the Bitch to make it. So STFU and Vote for her.

Anonymous said...

OHAI, politicalcat. I sorry. I guilty of B-N as bad as the dittoheads that spew mindless Hillary/Bill hate when I react to Hill/Bill hate with hateful remarks. You think Hill's a "conniving Bitch," and I think she's a remarkably strong life-dedicated public servant who inspires inspiration with her vast knowledge of domestic and foriegn issues. The fact is I of course have absolutely NO right telling you to shut up and vote for her because I happen to believe she needs to be our next President (flaws and all) for lots of politically generational and decade-dot-connecting reasons that no other candidate has the life and political service history to collectively juggle and grasp. SORRY for my inappropriate outburst, and my apologies also to Maru for sullying your lovely garden with my misplaced protective attack-cat hissy fit. *kisskiss* politicalcat. sorry.

ThePoliticalCat said...

It's OK, wangmo, dun't vurry aboudit. I used to have a lot of respect for Hillary once. Yes, she is a strong woman. Yes, she is very politically savvy. Yes, the Rethugs have spent millions trying to destroy her and her husband. However, she has turned into a panderer rather like John McCain and Mitt Romney, and I cannot, in good conscience support her. On the other hand, if she wins the nomination, I will hold my nose and vote for her, because another DAY of these corrupt mendacious swine in office will bring this great country to her knees. I'm still hoping either Kucinich or Edwards wins the nomination, because both of them have far more progressive positions than Hillary. And less baggage.