December 18, 2007

Hillary's brainwashing these guys and ripping their nuts off!

There can be no other explanation!! Chris Matthews, farking idiot. Here he is with the WaComPo's Chris Cillizza, CQ reporter Jonathan Allen, and the Financial Times' U.S. editor Chrystia Freeland on December 17's Numbnuts Hardball:

MATTHEWS: You know, I'm looking at this thing and I'm watching people like Bob Kerrey show up, who you used to think of as kind of an independent force in American politics. You know, he gave up his Senate seat, he dated Debra Winger. A lot of sizes -- a lot of things suggest a really independent guy.

ALLEN: An officer and a gentleman, right?

MATTHEWS: Officer and a gentleman. Then he moves to New York and becomes president of the New School, a big school, and now he's out there sort of playing whatever for Hillary, saying things all about Barack Obama having a Muslim father and having Hussein for a middle name. You gotta wonder if this isn't The Invasion of the Body Snatchers...

MATTHEWS: I'm talking about the moral weight. I'm talking about the moral weight on these people who are willing to do anything now. You got [former Iowa Gov. Tom] Vilsack out there, [Ohio Gov. Ted] Strickland, [Sen.] Evan Bayh [D-IN]. Every day I pick up a paper, there's another quote out there from somebody who's a wannabe, saying whatever the Clinton people told them to say, apparently.

CILLIZZA: Yeah, conservatives certainly don't do that! ..... What the holy fuck are you talking about?? Politics is politics, Chris.

MATTHEWS: These lines look like they're being fed -- well, let me find some outrage here. Can I get some from Chrystia? I'm not getting any from you. Chrystia, do you -- aren't you appalled at the willingness of these people to become castratos in the eunuch chorus here or whatever they are? What do you call them? I don't know what they are.

How... fucking... professional and informative. It's amazing this asstool still has a job.

1 comment:

ThePoliticalCat said...

Maybe he'd let us check the state of his unions to verify that he isn't a cumgobbling sackless buttwhore?