December 7, 2007

We Pledge Corporations..

Remember that pledge where newly elected Dem Majority in Congress would work five days a week to straighten things out? Well they fucking caved on that too.

A 2008 calendar distributed to congressional offices Monday shows the House holding five-day weeks only three times next year, exposing Democrats to charges that they are backing away from a pledge to work harder than Republicans did when they ruled the House.
And of course, they have their own unique definition of a five day workweek that differs from most of us:
“Most weeks, not every week, but most weeks, yes, we will be working Monday, we will come in Monday at 6:30 [p.m.], and be working on Friday, as we used to do, until about 2 in the afternoon, to give people time so they can get home,” House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters last December.
Sign me up for a job with hours like that. And even better than the high salary and paid transportation, the lazy fucks get the very finest socialist health care for representing their constituents, who happen to be very generous corporate whores lobbyists, not you.


Elayne said...

I was under the impression that the Congressional calendar is what it is because the reps also need time to actually be in their home states to serve their constituencies there (and not lose touch with the locals).

ThePoliticalCat said...

I'd like to see some solid evidence that these overpaid underworked louts are actually serving anyone other than themselves and their corporate owners. For every letter I write to my reps I get a flood of requests for money and, at best, a brief, obviously generic, nonresponse to my issues.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Actually, I will exempt Fortney Stark and Barbara Lee from the list of politicos who fail to serve. Both their offices responded to my letters, and Stark, at least, responded with a personal email.