After being tased by Darth Cheney, and damn near foaming at the mouth, Pretzeldunce McMonkeyface presses on with his obstinate scare tactics.
President Bush said Tuesday that the international community should continue to pressure Iran on its nuclear programs, saying Tehran remains dangerous despite a new intelligence report finding it halted its development of a nuclear bomb.He also threatened to nuke Iran "for seeking to acquire the intelligence to consider renewing weapons of mass distraction program related activities."
"I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program," Bush said. "The reason why it's a warning signal is they could restart it."
Note to Reich Wingnuts: When Clinton lied, nobody died.
Update: Rudy's Mideast Advisor Norman Podhoretz says: It's a CIA Plot to Protect Iran. Oh for fuck's sake and the love of all things fuckable.

Jesus, if people don't see that this crap EXACTLY fits the definition of 'WARMONGERING' (which is -- in the civilized parts of the world -- considered a severely negative position, morally, ethically & politically), then maybe we can't reasonably expect to have a democratic government!
And Podhoretz is just unhappy because we never had a full nuclear exchange with Russia, about which he undoubtedly would have been cumming in his pants about 3 milliseconds before the nuclear blast waves hit him! He almost makes Cheney look sane, which is really a terrible, mean thing to say about someone but I'm sure he'd wear it as a badge of honor given his perverse sense of values...
Yep, yep. Can't improve on the perfection that is this post! For fuck's sake, indeed!
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