December 2, 2007

What a Surprise!!

Another Republicunt Hypocrite. Tancredo hired illegal laborers to renovate his McMansion

“I haven’t the foggiest idea how many people I may have hired in the past as taxi drivers, as waiters, waitresses, home improvement people,” he boomed from the House floor. “I haven’t the foggiest idea how many of those people may have been here illegally, and it is not my job to ask them.” Then defiance gave way to vitriol as the congressman dubbed undocumented immigrants, “the face of murder.”
To those who are successful in life go the spoils, because IOKIYAR.


Anonymous said...

A couple of interesting self-tests (from a couple of months ago) to see which presidential candidate shares your views..

Reason I post this is that I also took the 'original' Minnesota Public Radio version of the first test (see the blue link near the top of the WQAD quiz) which compares your answers to ALL declared candidates, and found that Tom Tancedo & I differ on ALL questions! He is apparently the 'anti-Big-Em' from a parallel, negative universe! I was pleased to find that Kucinich was my 'test proven' first choice, because that's whom I strongly support and it's nice to know that one's beliefs are relatively consistent with one's positions. Unfortunately for the world, Kucinich doesn't have ANY realistic chance, barring some incomprehensible epiphany of the US sheeple, who have developed a taste for bullshit and won't give it up, even if you 'pry their cold, dead fingers' out of it!

Southern Quebec said...

Don't you think that the $2/hr he paid the labourers was a dead give-away that they were illegal? (As a Republican, he probably thinks that this is what minimum wage is!)