January 14, 2008

Because he's been right about everything else so far...

"Despite a non-existant nuclear weapons program and radio "threats" from a crank caller named the Filipino Monkey, [Clueless CommanderGuy] urges all to remain completely terrified of Iran for some reason to be named later" -- headline at fark.com. Actual story here.


Anonymous said...

I suspect the simple Texan mindset (think road killed Armadillo equivalent IQ) instinctively goes into freak mode when confronted with the name of the country: " I ran."
No self-respecting True TexAmerican can read those words and still look themselves in the mirror.
"I raq" was bad enough, conveying as it does the deeply visceral imagery of all the pent-up intestinal sickness that accompanies the Republican modus operandi of fleecing the downtrodden while kicking them in the balls for failing to salute their richer betters, but "I ran" goes that one one step farther: it attacks the most unspoken fear, cowardice.
And of course only a coward would be upset by the suggested label.
Air National Guard service, anyone?

nolocontendere said...

I think the important story isn't that the idiot opened his piehole and lied again but that fecal MSM actually reports it as news. With a straight face.