January 10, 2008

Bizarre juxtaposition of the day

I had to do a double-take when I spotted these headlines at yahoo news this morning:

  • Iraq: U.S. jets drop 40,000 pounds of bombs

  • Bush calls for peace treaty in 2008


    Anonymous said...

    Hmm. 80 500 lb bombs. That does seem like a lot. Knowing the trouble they have to go through to drop one (circular error of probability factors must be considered or the mission is scrubbed to avoid collateral damage) they must have been really pissed at somebody to drop that many.

    BadTux said...

    It was worse than that. It was 40 1,000 pound bombs. They weren't worrying about collateral damage, musta gotten a burr under their ass from someone up high to blow the crap outta some al Qaeda. Guess Dear Leader's poll results looked bad or somethin'.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

    Anonymous said...

    No incongruity here.
    It's simple semantics. Apparently, those were peace bombs.

    PS: BushSpeak isn't that hard to figure out once you've slugged down two bottles of vodka and hit yourself on the head with a ball peen hammer for half an hour or so.

    Anonymous said...

    RE: US bombing raids against Iraq:

    Gee... that'll win a LOT of Iraqi support. After all, who doesn't appreciate bombs being dropped in their country? I'm sure we'd all like it if the Canadians started a war against the US Mafia and started bombing their headquarters & hideouts in various US cities.. as long as they were getting rid of a few Mafiaosos in between the hundreds/thousands of 'collaterally damaged' people (you know, friends/families/neighbors and such) AND if they said 'we don't mean to kill all those innocent people -- we're not aiming for them', I'm sure that all but the fussiest US citizen wouldn't have any problem with that. And once they heard that the Canadians were engaged in a 'War on Terror' here in the US, than all objections would cease.

    Anonymous said...

    dropping bombs and peace treaty coming out of two sides of theSchizophrenic In Charge's widdo reptilian lips