'Lieberal demoncraps should embrace the loving baby Jebus as their personal savior, maybe then they wouldn't be such hateful, evil fascists': a fReetard posts --
"I’m driving my 8-year-old daughter home from school along with some of her fellow students and I hear giggling in the back seat. Asking to be let in on the joke, a young girl blurts out a vulgar and ugly little ditty about President Bush, the type of limerick that might have been told by a Nazi child about a Jew back in the 1930’s. This is not the first time I’ve heard a little child spew hateful trash about the President. The impressionable child no doubt picked this little gem up at the breakfast table of her good liberal parents.Bwwahahahaha! You have GOT to be kidding me. After years spent trashing -- and even now continuing to trash -- Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter et al, this is just fucking unbelievable. What the holy fuck is wrong with these people?
"What drives this hatred that causes otherwise enlightened liberals to fill the minds of their young children with such disrespect and contempt for the President of the United States?"
Here are some of the actual replies from circlejerk central:
"They are stupid."
"Maybe because Bush, just like their out of power, elites simply have forgotten about the American people and couldn’t care less about us."... and it only took 8 posts before someone mentioned a Clinton! Hatefully! Yep, their goodness, decency and charity are shining through.
"These are people who hate themselves as well. You can’t expect them to be any more charitable to others."
"Liberals hate anything/anyone with any goodness or rightness in it/them."
"Libs hate Bush because hatred is their their irrational religion."
"Liberals—Democrats in particular—were unable to steal the 2000 election. Although they pulled out every dirty trick they had, they just couldn’t pull off stealing Florida."
"They hate Bush since he represents everything they hate, America, Christianity, the military, family values and decency. Pray for W and Our Freedom Fighters."
"He is unafraid of masculinity and speaks and carries himself accordingly."

"He is unafraid of masculinity and speaks and carries himself accordingly."
Yes, that pretty much nails it.
What drives this hatred that causes otherwise enlightened liberals to fill the minds of their young children with such disrespect and contempt for the President of the United States?"
uh it's pretty fucking easy when the bastard illegally invaded another country and has robbed us blind outted a CIA agent, warrentless wiretappings geezuz I could go on and on...
What was the vulgar limerick?? I gotta know!
So I can tell my kid....
And we can laugh together....
All neotards should be seen and not heard.
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