January 15, 2008

The Deciderer decides he doesn't believe his own National Intelligence unit

Or: Bush, wanting to go out with a bang, wants the same thing for Iran.

Preznit Petulant continues to destroy the credibility of not just the entire U.S. intelligence community, but the country as a whole, after telling the Israelis that he "can't control what the intelligence community says, but that [the NIE's] conclusions don't reflect his own views."

And the Saudis today:
"I defended our intelligence services, but made it clear that they're an independent agency; that they come to conclusions separate from what I may or may not want."
"Which is to bomb Iran."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a way it's not that surprising - - hasn't 'W' ALWAYS considered 'intelligence' an "independent agency" from himself?? All that icky 'fact-based' stuff... who needs it? Part-tay on dude!

My only quandry nowadays is who's MOST to blame for this shit... the Neo-cons? The enabling mainstream media? The American Sheeple voters? Lately I keep coming back to the Sheeple because -- even with the attempts by the Neo-cons & media to disguise/distort things -- it's been SO FUCKING OBVIOUS YOU HAVE TO HAVE BEEN AN INTENTIONALLY NEGLIGENT CITIZEN TO VOTE FOR CHENEY/BUSH/et al...