January 3, 2008

Family values proponents call Romney a 'disaster'

Conservatives have a new name for the flipflopping Waffling Willard: Satan.

A coalition of leaders on family issues has released a letter warning about what they describe as the deception being assembled by Multiple-Choice Mitt Romney.

"Most of us are not allied with any presidential candidate," the letter says. "But we are troubled by the unethical and Orwellian cover-up of Mitt Romney's role in catastrophic events in Massachusetts, once the cradle of American liberty.

"Actions he took as governor were beyond the pale," the letter continued, which cites seven issues seen as problematic in the Romney campaign, including a "phony pro-life 'conversion,'" laughingly fake hunting creds, creating marriages between those icky homos, supporting homosexual indoctrination, and having hair that may have been styled by a homosexual.
-- from the 'Merica-loving crackpots at World Nut Daily. Mostly.

"My hairdresser?!!?"

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