January 4, 2008

The Iowa Aftermath

The Current State Of The Republicunt Party
Coming off a spectacular sixth-place finish in the Iowa Cockauses, America's 9-11 mayor has announced that if elected, he wants a Vice President just like Darth Cheney which in some way has to be good news for straight talkin John McStain who wants to keep troops in Iraqnam for 100 years....with the fellating concurrence of his yet to be announced V.P selection, ballgargling eunuch cumrag, JoeLieberman.
Asked about the remark later by Mother Jones’ David Corn, McCain reaffirmed it, “excitedly declaring that U.S. troops could be in Iraq for ‘a thousand years’ or ‘a million years,’ as far as he was concerned.”
Hey, why not shoot for eleventeen quintillion?
He also drew his ace card from his sleeve by stating: "None of this worries me -- Sept. 11, there were times I was worried," (Giuliani) says of his poor Iowa showing.

Meanwhile, supporters await for word from drop dead Grandpa/Daddy Fred.....

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