...When many of the wise village elders were flinging corn speckled fecal matter like THIS, just before the invasion and occupation of Iraq:
The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil. That’s bigger than any tax cut in any country.Well now, that worked out well.
Fucking Murdoch! He's got an obscene amount of money with which to try to substitute non-reality for reality! And of course that flies only too well with a substantial portion of the American Sheeple who like taking corporate/government (conservative) pronouncements as unquestionable truth...
And we ain't ever gonna see $20/barrel for oil again (unless it's a temporary 'loss-leader' propaganda piece) -- see links like this: www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net
(Note: search it [cntrl + F] for 'Cheney' and note his quoted private remarks about the oil-supply situation. He's an asshole that caters to the oil-industry, so it's meaningful when he goes against their public 'no-oil-supply-problem' posture and says that there IS a problem.)
And we have all been led to believe that Pravda and al Jazeera were/are propaganda.
Go figure.
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