January 17, 2008

Oh good gravy

Fox Noise talking forehead John Gibson, defending his asshole buddy Bill "Always Wrong" Kristol, actually says “if the Times can’t take an argument with Kristol, how can it face down Al Qaeda?”

ThinkProgress has the disgusting video. What a fucking asshat.


Anonymous said...

Is the NYT arming up and fixin' to go to war with alQaeda? When did that happen?

I can't wait to see Pinch in a helmet and flak jacket, totin' his M16. THAT'LL show that albino dickhead who's boss!



Anonymous said...

Yeah, stupid me... I thought that the fourth estate was granted constitutional protection with the hope that they would produce uncensored INFORMATION that other parts of our society could act on appropriately. They must have morphed into some sort of 'Blackwater Jr' when I wasn't paying attention. And we REALLY need more emphasis on militarism in our society...

Phil said...

Gibson debuting the brand new Strawman 5000 XL Deluxe.