January 16, 2008

Unitary Executive, Beeeotchez!!

Just in time for the 7th anniversary of Chimenfurerher's Presidency dictatorship, and with the impending reality of a Hillary presidency hitting home, predictably Fox "News" editorial calls for reducing the power of the Presidency.

Hahaha, reichwingnuts....


Anonymous said...

They (Fox) are just the MASTERS of shameless, brain-exploding hypocrisy! How can relatively rational human beings prostitute themselves so badly?? How fucked-up was their childhood?? Were they all locked in closests and only brought out to be beaten & molested ?? How do you get to be that sick and stay OUT of institutions?? What do they tell their kids that they do for a living -- something more respectable like working in a slaughterhouse or being a prison-snitch? You have to read the novel "1984" by Orwell to start to have some idea how it can be done...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Cheney or Rove would be the source.