January 7, 2008


Because picking a president based on how much fun he would be to have a beer with worked out so well the last time.

President Mike Huckabee? After the last two elections, Americans — even Republicans! — are ready for a likable regular guy. Huckabee seems to be that.
After a disastrous eight years with a "likable" "regular" "folksy" Preznit Stupie McAsshat?? What... the... fuck?? Oh, wait: it's the op-ed by the NY Times' newest columnist propagandist, the apparantly lobotomized Bill "Always Wrong" Kristol! I should have known -- it makes much more sense now!
He came up from modest origins. He served as governor of Arkansas for more than a decade. He fought a successful battle against being overweight. These may not be utterly compelling qualifications for the presidency...
Huh? Is Bill Clinton running again? But wait, there's more:
[He] played saxophone bass with a local rock band [!!one1!!!]. One secular New Hampshire Republican’s reaction: “Gee, he’s not some kind of crazy Christian. He’s an ordinary American.”
Just like Ted Nugent! Oh, my farking head...


Anonymous said...

First, I was going to discontinue my 37 year subscription to the Times. But why should I deprive myself of the puzzles?
So, I read Bloody Bill this morning and I think the best thing to do is ignore him.

Anonymous said...

Can you have a beer with a Baptist minister?

maru said...

I think they're allowed. Momons, on the other hand, are not.