February 21, 2008

"Brazen pandering" does not equal "principled"

And driving the "Straight Talk Express" to Tuna Town does not equal family values. Arianna huffs what the f*ck is this "maverick" bullshit, anyway, yo??:

"What is it going to take for the media to snap out of its starry-eyed view of [Saint] John McCain?"
OK, so maybe her timing was a little off...
"Let's see, McCain has bowed to the party's lunatic fringe on tax cuts, immigration, the intolerance of religious bigots, and torture... so exactly how is he reinventing what it means to be a Republican? By shortening the amount of time it takes before a candidate is hijacked by the Right, perhaps?"
But... but... he's so friendly with reporters! He'd be so great to have a beer with! Or go to bed with? Mr High Ethical Stances is denying he had sex with that woman:
A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, in his offices and aboard a client's corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself - instructing staff members to block the woman's access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time the straight-talker cheated on his wife.

More hypocrisy: the rightwingnut sites that up until this morning were ripping his head off to shit down his neck are now screaming in outrage over the "NY Slimes" "smearing" of Vince Foster's lesbian murderess Hitlary   Bill Xlintoon   B. HUSSEIN Obama their new hero, and the McCain camp is vowing to 'go to war' with the 'liberal' NYT, even though the story was "first leaked to the Drudge Report in December."

Fun fact: The NY Times was sitting on the McCain/lobbyist story when it endorsed the "straight talker" last month.

As the most trusted name in news hypes "Scandal or Smear?" Joe at AmericaBlog says "the conservative American Spectator says the NYT had this story over a month ago but McCain threatened to sue them. If the Times if running with the story now, after holding off for 5 weeks, it means they nailed it."

Bonus: cuntservatard Bay Buchanan, apparantly on drugs, tells CNN "This is not the Democratic Party, this is a party of values. We assume our candidates have been loyal to their family."


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