February 24, 2008

Conservatards: b HUSSEIN Obama hates America!!!!1!!

Watch out, you domestic insurgent, you:

Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to wear a made-in-China American flag lapel pin along with a photo of him not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem led conservaturds in the whore media to question his patriotism.
Reminder: this and blowjobs = bad; shitting on the Constitution and Bill of Rights = not so much, terrist-lover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right-on Maru! This severely distorted sense of proportion that the Neo-Cons have -- where the virtually insignificant, superfulous things are elevated to the rank of impeachable offenses (as opined by the eternally outraged shout-shows on right-wing squawk radio), while truly major things (as measured by historical world opinion) like starting wars, bombing countries, destroying US fiscal solvency & citizen's rights, major election 'misdeeds', etc are all downplayed and shouted down by concerns about lapel-pin flags. And the MSM will cover just about anything the Reich-wing says (even the outrageous stuff that the MSM knows isn't true) because it makes for 'provocative' reading/viewing. If the left-wing says anything half as loony, they're ignored, undoubtedly because they don't provide anywhere near the advertising revenue that right-wing benefactors do...