February 25, 2008

Dude, LOL

Conservatard columnist Armstrong "White House Whore" Williams lacks credibility on the "credibility" issue.

Before he joined his repuke brethren in blasting the alleged shoddy, discrediting reportage of New York Times, he was accepting payoffs from the Bush WH to whore out Preznit Evil's NCLB bill. This weekend:

"I think what it does more than anything else, it causes those of us in the media to lose credibility. People begin to question what we print, whether there's any truth to it, whether we do our research."
January 2005:
Williams received $240,000 from the Bush misadministration to promote Bush's No Child Left Behind on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.
Damn lieberal media.

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