February 17, 2008

Oh noes! We're ...uhh... still alive?

Funny: via Shakesville, the website Reagan's Holy Balls posts a clock that tells down to the nanosecond how much time has passed since the FISA "Protect America Act" expired, thanks to the Godless, islamofascisterristlovers in the Demoncrap party.

Update: the conservatard Moonie Times reports that “intelligence scholars and analysts outside the government say that today’s expiration of certain temporary domestic wiretapping laws will have little effect on national security, despite warnings to the contrary by the White House and Capitol Hill Republican leaders.”


Unknown said...

duh...huh? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no shit Sherlock! Just look back at 9/11 - - they had more fucking info than they could use! Ashcroft was not flying on public flights because of the repeated warnings! We've all heard about the FBI warnings and problems, and there's plenty of additional info about foreign countries warning our government -- but W and those assholes we're 'too smart for that Clinton-related terrorism', so they virtually ignored it! Now -- to cover their asses and distract from their criminal neglect -- they try to claim they didn't have enough info because no one supplied them with the seat numbers of the hijackers beforehand! Assholes!