February 20, 2008

Rethug thug convicted of 13 felony crimes

Rebooblican moral values... how inspiring...

Brent Wilkes, a prominent GOP campaign contributor, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison yesterday for lavishing a Republican congressman [Randy "Duke" Cunningham] with money, prostitutes and other bribes in exchange for nearly $90 million in work from the Pentagon.

Wilkes is a Republican Party "Pioneer" who raised more than $100,000 for Preznit Honor an' Integritude's "reelection" in 2004 and donated, along with his business colleagues, $656,396 to 64 other Republican scum and the national Republican Party committee in Washington.
Ahhhh! I can almost hear the celestial choirs singing in joyful praise for the Party of Jebus... snif! How glorious. Thank God honor and integrity were returned to DC... I'm so proud...

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