February 19, 2008

Speaking of Plagiarism.....

Isn't this shit getting a bit old?
Surrendercrats want to let evil "trial lawyers" help wreck "FISA" so islamocommienazijihadifascict terrists behead our children, kill the food on our families(the ones with a husband and wife only) and destroy Murka.CNSNews.com

Republicans say House Democratic leaders are putting the interests of trial lawyers ahead of national security by blocking House consideration of a bill that would modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
"Our first priority should be protecting our national security and not paying off trial lawyer campaign contributors," House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio wrote on Sunday. "The question now is how much longer are some lawmakers prepared to protect their trial lawyer allies at the expense of our national security?"
Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against those companies -- "frivolous and costly lawsuits that would tie up our courts and endanger American lives," Boehner said. Without retroactive immunity to protect them from those lawsuits, the telecommunications companies are reluctant to cooperate with the Bush adminstration's eavesdropping requests.
In other words, if the telco companies can't violate the Constitution and break the law, the terrorists win and WE'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING DIE!!! What a Boner. Too bad his name isn't Richard because, you know, he's such a dick.


Anonymous said...


This kind of nonsense makes me blow milk through my nose.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Yeah, well, it's John, which is another name for TOILET, which works for me. Toilet McRigid, aka John "Mah Fake Tan Is So Fake" Boner.