March 12, 2008


Just totally... fucking... amazing.


Anonymous said...

I feel your prayer. I can't tell you how meaningful they have been, to help Laura and me deal with -- do our job.

313 days, 20 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds...

Anonymous said...

He is the most disingenuous person I've ever seen.
He has already said that HIS war will have to be dealt with by the next POTUS.
There is some really stinky shit coming up soon.
The pentagon won't release the new Iraq/ Queda report because it's "too politically sensitive"

He is going to bomb Iran no matter what.

It's a housewarming gift for McSame.
We CANNOT have another repuke in the white house or we will be at war FOREVER.

Anonymous said...

sometimes i think he just says stupid shit just to drive us nuts. that, at least, helps me sleep a little better at night.