NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer has informed his senior administration officials that he had been involved in a prostitution ring, and making some good money, too, though those nipple clamps really hurt.Feh. So what: everyone knows Demoncraps are all Godless libertines anyway.
Mr. Spitzer, who was huddled with his top aides early this afternoon, had hours earlier abruptly canceled both public and private events for the day. Mr. Spitzer, a first-term Democrat who pledged to bring ethics reform and end the often seamy ways of Albany, is married with three children.
Speaking of whores, the Oklahoma House of Representatives has passed a bill that allows students to get full credit if they answer "6000 years" for "What is the age of the Earth?", and Larry Craig is still a US Senator.

Will they also get full credit if they answer 2+2=7
or if
they answer
what shape is the world, FLAT
and at the end there monsters be???
Nice brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
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