March 8, 2008

Honor and integrity

Saint McCain’s indicted campaign chair defrauded a huuuuuge part of the gpuke base: right-to-life groups  --

Rethug Rep. Rick Renzi allegedly defrauded dozens of pro-life organizations for hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund his first congressional bid, according to an analysis of the recent indictment against him, a state insurance claim and an interview with an insurance lawyer involved in the case.
Federal prosecutors have already indicted Renzi on something like 137 federal charges including insurance fraud, corruption, extortion, money laundering, mail fraud, embezzlement, and more corruption.
But the indictment also accuses Renzi, who ran an insurance firm before coming to Capitol Hill, of misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance premiums and using the money to fund his congressional campaign.


Anonymous said...

Um, hay, kitteh wiff yer "O mai" pinyuns, WTF iz u doin getzing eemoshunlee emballbd wiff hyoomin stoopidz 2day? IT'S CATURDAY, FUR PURR SAKE!!! Waerz teh pikshur ob U N teh ovvers enjoibN Caturday, HMMM?

U shud be craptid owt wiff Dingle N Egon N teh uvvur kittehs, N B sprawldid awl ovur teh cozinessez tooday. I wurriez abowts U. Step AWAY frumz teh puter! Goe ober der 2 teh softist kushyun. Heers a soff blankee N hawt choklits, N i haz Janis nao sings 4 U her remdishun ob "Summurtimz."

"Summurtymz tymz tym, N teh libbin iz eeeee zeeeee, N teh fishies iz jumpN N teh cottin B'z hiiiiii. O, yer babydaddy iz rich, N yer mamaz gud lukinz, so hushez widdo bay-beeeee, dooonchew crrrriiiii."

N naow i wiw purrz furr U. rrmmmmzzzzzzzzz..rrmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzz
AFEM. Happy Caturday, Kitteh. May ur hart rest in teh peece N happi.

Distributorcap said...

maybe we can tie mccain to him
now wouldnt that be nice